Klasifikácia: 01.2.2
- Oakley, Ann - Gatens, Moira - Andreson, Bonnie - Beauvoir, Simone de - Laqueur, Thomas - Lloyd, Genevieve - Lorber, Judit - Scott, Joan W. - Idem - Wollstonecraft, Mary - Scott, Joan - Guy-Steftall, Beverly - Truth, Sojourner - Mill, John S. - Haan, Francisca de - Spender, Dale - Gordon, Lyndall - Todd, Janet - Yeo, Eileen - Tomalin, Claire - Giddens, Paula - Sklar, Kish K. - Rupp, Leila - Zimmermann, Susan - Sinha, Mrinalini - Guy, Donna J. - Woollacott, Angela - Ehrick, Christine - Anderson, Bonnie - Rossi, Alice S. - Hartmann, Heidi - Rubin, Gayle - Barrett, Michele - Nicholson, Linda - Kaplan, Cora - Zetkin, Klara - Kollontai, Klara - Kiczková, Zuzana - Farkašová, Etela - Zdravomyslova, Elena - Temkina, Anna - Firestone, Shulamith - MacKinnon, Catherine A. - Allen, Jeffner - Frye, Marilyn - Witting, Monique - Rich, Adrienne - Goscilo, Helena - Segal, Lynne - Vance, Carole S. - Cornell, Drucilla - Dworkin, Andrea - Ware, Vron - Mohanty, Talpade Ch. - Spivak, Gayatri Ch. - Ghost, Durba - Keenan, Deirdre - Loomba, Ania - Connel, R. W. - Kimmel, Michael - Creech, James - Gardiner, Judith K. - Nussbaum, Martha - Phillips, Ann - Funk, Nanette - Okin, Susan M. - Smith, Patricia - Cudd, Ann - Alcoff, Linda - Young, Iris M. - Brown, Wendy - Sa'ar, Amalia - Gillis, Stacy - Munford, Rebecca - Eisenstein, Zillah - Renne, Tanya - Moghadam, Valentine - Mann, Susan A. - Huffman, Douglas J. - Afshar, Haleh - Azzam, Maha - Jaggar, Alisson - Acker, Joan - Directive 2002/7 - Friedan, Betty - Heywood, Leslie - Drake, Jennifer - Lorde, Audre - Portuges, Catherine - Shulman, Alex K. - Walker, Alice - Walker, Rebecca

Foundations in Gender Studies I: Histories, Theories, Futures : Vol. 1. & Vol. 2. / zost. Haan, Francisca de; aut. Oakley, Ann, aut. Gatens, Moira, aut. Andreson, Bonnie, aut. Beauvoir, Simone de, aut. Laqueur, Thomas, aut. Lloyd, Genevieve, aut. Lorber, Judit, aut. Scott, Joan W., aut. Idem, aut. Wollstonecraft, Mary, aut. Scott, Joan, aut. Guy-Steftall, Beverly, aut. Truth, Sojourner, aut. Mill, John S., aut. Haan, Francisca de, aut. Spender, Dale, aut. Gordon, Lyndall, aut. Todd, Janet, aut. Yeo, Eileen, aut. Tomalin, Claire, aut. Giddens, Paula, aut. Sklar, Kish K., aut. Rupp, Leila, aut. Zimmermann, Susan, aut. Sinha, Mrinalini, aut. Guy, Donna J., aut. Woollacott, Angela, aut. Ehrick, Christine, aut. Anderson, Bonnie, aut. Rossi, Alice S., aut. Hartmann, Heidi, aut. Rubin, Gayle, aut. Barrett, Michele, aut. Nicholson, Linda, aut. Kaplan, Cora, aut. Zetkin, Klara, aut. Kollontai, Klara, aut. Kiczková, Zuzana, aut. Farkašová, Etela, aut. Zdravomyslova, Elena, aut. Temkina, Anna, aut. Firestone, Shulamith, aut. MacKinnon, Catherine A., aut. Allen, Jeffner, aut. Frye, Marilyn, aut. Witting, Monique, aut. Rich, Adrienne, aut. Goscilo, Helena, aut. Segal, Lynne, aut. Vance, Carole S., aut. Cornell, Drucilla, aut. Dworkin, Andrea, aut. Ware, Vron, aut. Mohanty, Talpade Ch., aut. Spivak, Gayatri Ch., aut. Ghost, Durba, aut. Keenan, Deirdre, aut. Loomba, Ania, aut. Connel, R. W., aut. Kimmel, Michael, aut. Creech, James, aut. Gardiner, Judith K., aut. Nussbaum, Martha, aut. Phillips, Ann, aut. Funk, Nanette, aut. Okin, Susan M., aut. Smith, Patricia, aut. Cudd, Ann, aut. Alcoff, Linda, aut. Young, Iris M., aut. Brown, Wendy, aut. Sa'ar, Amalia, aut. Gillis, Stacy, aut. Munford, Rebecca, aut. Eisenstein, Zillah, aut. Renne, Tanya, aut. Moghadam, Valentine, aut. Mann, Susan A., aut. Huffman, Douglas J., aut. Afshar, Haleh, aut. Azzam, Maha, aut. Jaggar, Alisson, aut. Acker, Joan, aut. Directive 2002/7, aut. Friedan, Betty, aut. Heywood, Leslie, aut. Drake, Jennifer, aut. Lorde, Audre, aut. Portuges, Catherine, aut. Shulman, Alex K., aut. Walker, Alice, aut. Walker, Rebecca. - 1. vyd. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007.

Anotácia:  PART 1 (sig. 6227)
- Sex, Gender, and Society
- Imaginary Bodies. Ethics, Power and corporeality
- Joyous Greetings. The First International Women's Movement
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
- 'A Woman Who Only Has Paradoxes to Offer': Olympe de Gouges Claims Rights for Women
- The Evolution of Feminist Consciousness Among African American Women
- "Woman's Rights" [1851] and "When Woman Gets Her Rights Man Will be Right" [1867]
- The Subjection of Women
- A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms
- Worlds of Women. The Making of an International Women's Movement
- The Challenge of Multinational Empire for the International Women's Movement: The Habsburg Monarchy and the Development of Feminist Inter/National Politics
- Introduction: Why Feminism and Internationalism?
- Madrinas and Missionaries: Uruguay and the Pan-American Women's Movement
- Working-Class Socialist: August Bebel (1840-1913)," and abstracts from Bebel's Woman and Socialism (originally: Die Frau und der Sozialismus, 1879)
- A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms
- The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism. Towards a More Progressive Union
- The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economyĺ of Sex
- Capitalism and Women's Liberation
- The Emancipation of Women: A Concept that Failed
- Gendered Citizenship in Soviet and Post-Soviet Societies
- Dialectics of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution
- Sex Equality: Difference and Dominance
- Motherhood: The Annihilation of Women
- Some Reflections on Separatism and Power
- One is not Born a Woman
- Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
PART 2 (sig. 6228)
- Sexuality
- New Members and Organs: The Politics of Porn
- Does Pornography Cause Violence? The Search for Evidence
- Pleasure and Danger: Towards a politics of Sexuality
- Beyond the Pale. White Women, Racism, and History part 1: "The White Woman's Burden? Race and Gender in Historical Memory
- Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse.
- Can the Subaltern Speak?
- Masculinities: (Chapter 1: The Science of Masculinity; Chapter 3: The Social Organization of Masculinity)
- The Feminist Critique of Liberalism
- Feminism and Liberalism Revisited: Has Martha Nussbaum got it right
- Feminist Critiques of Liberalism: Can They Travel East? Their Relevance in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
- John Rawls: Justice as Fairness ľ For Whom?
- Cultural Feminism versus Poststructuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory
- Social Movements and the Politics of Difference
- Genealogies and Generations: the politics and praxis of third wave feminism
- Feminisms from elsewheres
- The Future is Feminist: An Interview with Five Young Romanian Women
- Islamic Feminism and its Discontents: Toward a Resolution of the Debate
Poznámka:  prezenčne, dar čitateľky
Sig. 6227 - Vol. 1.
Sig. 6228 - Vol. 2.
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6227 voľná, 6228 voľná

Klasifikácia: 02.2.2
- Weedon, Chris - Reinharz, Shulamit - Denzin, Lincoln - Denzin, Norman K. - Stake, Robert E. - Grele, Ronald J. - Portelli, Alessandro - Thompson, Alistair - Portelli, Alessandro - Sangster, Joan - Scott, Joan - Lomsky-Feder, Edna - Borland, Katherine - K'Meyer, Tracy, E. - Crothers, Glenn, A. - Ritchie, Donald - Fontana, Andrea - Frey, James, H. - Diamond, Lisa M. - Culbertson, Roberta - Popkin, J. D. - Denzin, Norrnan - Hodder, Ian - Gurium, Jaber F. - Holstein, James A. - Riessman, Catherine Kohler - Rosenthal, Gabriele - Sipe, Dan - Prosser, Jon - Perlmutter, David, D.

Qualitative Methods in Social Science Research : Oral History. / zost. Petö, Andrea; aut. Weedon, Chris, aut. Reinharz, Shulamit, aut. Denzin, Lincoln, aut. Denzin, Norman K., aut. Stake, Robert E., aut. Grele, Ronald J., aut. Portelli, Alessandro, aut. Thompson, Alistair, aut. Portelli, Alessandro, aut. Sangster, Joan, aut. Scott, Joan, aut. Lomsky-Feder, Edna, aut. Borland, Katherine, aut. K'Meyer, Tracy, E., aut. Crothers, Glenn, A., aut. Ritchie, Donald, aut. Fontana, Andrea, aut. Frey, James, H., aut. Diamond, Lisa M., aut. Culbertson, Roberta, aut. Popkin, J. D., aut. Denzin, Norrnan, aut. Hodder, Ian, aut. Gurium, Jaber F., aut. Holstein, James A., aut. Riessman, Catherine Kohler, aut. Rosenthal, Gabriele, aut. Sipe, Dan, aut. Prosser, Jon, aut. Perlmutter, David, D.. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2009.

- Weedon, Chris. 'Subjects' in A Concise Companion to Feminist Theory
- Reinharz, Shulamit, "The Principle of Feminist Research, a Matter of Debate" in Disciplining Feminism
- Denzin, Lincoln, "Introduction. Entering the Field of Qualitative Research" in Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials
- Denzin, Norman K., Interpretative Interactionism
- Stake, Robert E., "Case Studies" in Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry
- Grele, Ronald J., "Movement without an Aim: Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Oral History" in The Oral History Reader
- Portelli, Alessandro, "What Makes Oral History Different" in The Oral History Reader
- Thompson, Alistair "Fifty Years On: An International Perspective on Oral History" in The Journal of American History
- Portelli, Alessandro, "Research as an Experiment in Equality" in The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories
- Sangster, Joan, "Telling our Stories: Feminist Debates and the Use of Oral History" in The Oral History Reader
- Scott, Joan "ExpeHence" in Feminists Theorize the Political
- Lomsky-Feder, Edna "Life Stories, War, and Veterans: On the Social Distribution of Memories" in Ethos 32(1)
- Borland, Katherine "That's not What I Said: Interpretative Conflict in Oral Narrative Research" in The Oral History Reader
- K'Meyer, Tracy, E. and Crothers, Glenn, A. 'If I See Some of This in Writing, I'm Going to Shoot You': Reluctant Narrators, Taboo Topics, and the Ethical Dilemmas of the Oral Historian" in The Oral History Review 34(1)
- Ritchie, Donald "A Doing Oral History: Practical Advice and Reasonable Explanation for Anyone" from the Oral History Association
- Fontana, Andrea, Frey, James, H "Interviewing, The Art of Science" in Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials.
-Diamond, Lisa M. "Careful What You Ask For: Reconsidering Feminist Epistemology and Autobiographical Narrative in Research on Sexual Identity Development" in Signs 31(2)
- Culbertson, Roberta "Embodied Memory, Transcendence, and Telling: Recounting Trauma, Re-establishing the Self' in New Literary History 26(1)
- Popkin, J., D. "Narrative Theory, History and Autobiography" in History, Historians, and Autobiography.
- Denzin, Norrnan "The Art and Politics of Interpretation" in Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials.
- Hodder, Ian "The Interpretation of Documents and Material Culture" in Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials.
- Gurium, Jaber F., Holstein, James A. "Analyzing Interpretative Practices" in Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials.
- Riessman, Catherine Kohler "Narrative Analyses "
- Rosenthal, Gabriele "Reconstruction of Life Stories. Principles of Selection in Generating Stories for Narrative Biographical Interviews" in The Narrative Study of Lives. Volume I.
- Sipe, Dan, "The Future of Oral History and Moving Images" in The Oral History Reader
- Prosser, Jon (ed.) Image-based Research: A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers
- Perlmutter, David, D. "Visual Historical Method Problems, Prospects, Applications" in Historical method 4
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6628 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.2.2
- Stacey, Judith - Thorne, Barrie - Gordon, Avery F. - Braithwaite, Ann - Mohanty, Chandra - Zimmerman, Susan - Hartsock, Nancy - Harding, Sandra - Sandoval, Chela - Collins, Patricia Hill - Friedman, Susan Stanford - Dill, Bonnie Thornton - Enid, Ruth - Scott, Joan - Stone-Mediatore, Shari - Mohanty, Chandra Talpade - Butler, Judith - Bastian, Michelle - Moallem, Minoo - Basu, Amrita - McRuer, Robert - Zavirsek, Darja - Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie - Linton, Simi - Lukic, Jasmina - Jakab, Enrico - Kitch, Sally L. - Allen, Judith A. - Friedman, Susan Stanford - Slavova, Kornelia - Gunning, Isabelle - Lanser, Susan - Khan, Shahnaz - Lal, Jayati - Haraway, Donna

Foundations in Gender Studies II : "Difference", and the production of Knowledge. / zost. Rosenfelt, Deborah; aut. Stacey, Judith, aut. Thorne, Barrie, aut. Gordon, Avery F., aut. Braithwaite, Ann, aut. Mohanty, Chandra, aut. Zimmerman, Susan, aut. Hartsock, Nancy, aut. Harding, Sandra, aut. Sandoval, Chela, aut. Collins, Patricia Hill, aut. Friedman, Susan Stanford, aut. Dill, Bonnie Thornton, aut. Enid, Ruth, aut. Scott, Joan, aut. Stone-Mediatore, Shari, aut. Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, aut. Butler, Judith , aut. Bastian, Michelle, aut. Moallem, Minoo, aut. Basu, Amrita, aut. McRuer, Robert, aut. Zavirsek, Darja, aut. Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie, aut. Linton, Simi, aut. Lukic, Jasmina, aut. Jakab, Enrico, aut. Kitch, Sally L., aut. Allen, Judith A., aut. Friedman, Susan Stanford, aut. Slavova, Kornelia, aut. Gunning, Isabelle, aut. Lanser, Susan, aut. Khan, Shahnaz, aut. Lal, Jayati, aut. Haraway, Donna. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007.

Anotácia:  - "The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology," in American Feminist Thought at Century's End
- Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination
- Introduction, in Troubling Women's Studies: Pasts, Presents and Possibilities
- "Privatized Citizenship, Corporate Academies, and Feminist Projects," in Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing theory, Practicing Solidarity.
- The Institutionalization of Women and Gender Studies in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
- "The Feminist Standpoint: Toward a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism," in Feminist Theory. Reader
- "Reinventing Ourselves as Other: More New Agents of History and Knowledge," in Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?
- "The Theory and Method of Oppositional Consciousness in the Postmodern World," in Methodology of the Oppressed
- "Some Group Matters: Intersectionality, Situated Standpoints, and Black Feminist Thought," in Fighting Words
- "'Beyond' Gender": The New Geography of Identity and the Future of Feminist Criticism,"
- "Critical Thinking about Inequality: An Emerging Lens," in Emerging Intersections: Building Knowledge and Transforming Institutions
- "The Evidence of Experience" in Feminist Approaches to Methodology
- Gender Trouble
- "'Under Western Eyes' Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles," in Feminism without Borders
- Reading across Borders: Storytelling and Knowledges of Resistance
- Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective," in Simians, Cyborgs, and Women
- "Situating Locations: The Politics of Self, Identity, and "Other" in Living and Writing the Text," in Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology
- Reconfiguring the Native Informant: Positionality in the Global Age.
- "Feminist Criticism, 'The Yellow Wallpaper,' and the Politics of Color in America," in Feminist Approaches to Methodology
- "Arrogant Perception, World Travelling, and Multicultural Feminism: The Case of Female Genital Surgeries." Columbia Human Rights Law Review
- "Looking at Western Feminisms through the Double Lens of Eastern Europe and the Third World," in Women and Citizenship in Eastern Europe.
- "(Inter)Disciplinarity and the Question of the Women's Studies Ph.D.," Feminist Studies 24
- "Disciplined by Disciplines? The Need for an Interdisciplinary Research Mission in Women's Studies," Feminist Studies 24
- Interdisciplinarity, Research Policies and Practices: 2 Case Studies from Hungary.
- Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity
- "Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory," in Gendering Disability
- Disabled Women's Everyday Citizenship Rights in East Europe: Examples from Slovenia
- "We Were Never Identified: Feminism, Queer Theory, and a Disabled World," Radical history Review 94
- "Introduction," The Challenge of Local Feminisms: Women's Movements in Global Perspective."
- "Transnationalism, Feminism, and Fundamentalism." in Between Woman and Nation
- "Haraway's Lost Cyborg and the Possibilities of Transversalism," Signs 31,4

English keywords: Critiquing Masculinist Knowledges: The Example of Sociology; Why and Whither Women's Studies: Institutional and Global Contexts for the Production of Knowledge; Feminist Standpoint Theories, Subjugated Knowledges, and Oppositional Consciousness: Experience, Identity, and the Production of Knowledge; Intersectionalities: Complex Identities, Hierarchies of Power and Knowledge; Questioning (and Reclaiming) Women's "Experience" as the Basis for Knowledge Production: Postmodernism and Post-positivist Realism; Situating Knowledge, Situating the Self: "Objectivity, " Reflexivity, and Positionality; Difference and Methodology: Rethinking (White/Western) Feminist Practices in and beyond the Academy; Difference, Theory, and Practice: Feminisms East and West; Interdisciplinarities and the Future(s) of Women's Studies; The Encounters of Interdisciplinary Fields of Inquiry: Feminist Studies/Disability Studies; Transnational Movements, Local and Global Knowledges
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6627 voľná

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